Judging Myself: A Writer's Worst Critic
When I write, my brain goes into another realm. Where unicorns are real and tell jokes, and the nerd wins the heart of the popular athlete. But when it comes down to zoning in on book two of my Gifted Sisters series, my unicorns turn into breathtaking dragons. And the nerd is an abused child who is saved by a feisty curly haired girl.
I write thousands of words, twisted together to form a telling that will draw readers in. I create images with smart descriptions, breathing life into unknown worlds. I spend hours upon hours perfecting conversations, combing over paragraphs hundreds of times to guarantee someone will understand the journey.
But when I go to sleep, wake up the next morning, and read the emotional effort I spent in one whole day, it’s hard to believe it’s any good.
I mean, is it good?
Does it make sense?
Is it corny?
I think I am babbling here….do I need this?
Then I highlight a section, staring at it for a good while. Do I delete this? My finger hovers over the delete button, it even taps lightly, waiting for the communication from my brain to give it the final decision to press down firmly.
But I decide to leave it. I quickly click the mouse elsewhere on my computer to clear away the highlighted section.
Okay, maybe it’s good.
So I decide to keep the hours of work and move forward.
Now if I could just hit repeat, that would explain every moment of my writing process. I live in a state of doubt. I am constantly judging myself on whether it’s as good as other writers out there.
Here are FIVE ways to talk yourself out of calling it quits.
1.) Understand your first draft is not written in stone.
I’ve read this on many instagram posts, and facebook feeds. And I know it’s true. So I need to make sure to constantly remind myself of that.
2.) Believe those around you.
Family, friends, and even strangers who have read your writings, tell you it’s good. So flick the negativity away and believe you rock!
3.) Make popcorn.
This is really important. It’s easy to get lost in your writing. You ignore the grumbling inside you, which leads to unwanted distraction. So this is a great time to take a break, let your mind breathe. Pop some corn and enjoy the savoring taste of melted butter.
4.) Read your writing out loud.
Oh my goodness this is so extremely helpful. When you read your work out loud, it is easier to find mistakes and help you get out of your head voice.
5.) Have someone else read it.
My mother and my aunt are the two people I send everything to. The moment I finish a chapter, I send it. It’s those times when I get their feedback that let me know if it even makes sense. If they question any of it then I know to rework it to make it clearer.
Frustration in yourself is natural. So don’t beat yourself up over something that can be fixed. Embrace the seconds within minutes, and minutes within the hours. Because in time, you will find your success!